Crystal Cove North by Ron Marlett.

Crystal Cove North 28" x 22" May 3, 2018

Ron Marlett would take his niece's children to the beach during the children's summer break from school. During one outing at Crystal Cove in 2008, Ron brought his camera to take pictures of the children making sand castles. Years later many of the photographs became sources for his impressionistic style of painting. This piece has the diagonal brush marks that follow the impasto rendition of Crystal Cove; a beach state park along Pacific Coast Highway near Laguna Beach, California. Ron enhances the S-curve composition by adding white flowers in the fore ground shrubbery. The clouds become an extension of the sand as the beach curves to the bottom. Ron paints the sand much lighter on the right side of the painting to aid the white flowers in balancing the white surf on the left of the pictorial space.

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