USCGC Winnebago by Ron Marlett.

USCGC Winnebago   22" x 30"   August 10, 2012
   John Best was one of Ron Marlett's shipmates from the Coast Guard. Years later John and his wife Rosie commissioned Ron to paint a portrait of the USCGC Winnebago as she looked when Ron and John were crew members from 1970 to 1971. Ron chose to portray the ship in heavy seas to represent the typhoon that the Winnebago steamed through in 1970. Ron found images of the Winnebago on the internet and along with Ron's photographs that he took of the ship; he was able to render many of the Winnebago's details that made up the ship's configuration during the early 1970s. In 1972, the Coast Guard transfered the Winnebago from Hawaii to North Carolina and in 1973, the Winnebago was decommissioned.  In 1974, the ship was sold to a scrap yard which was the fate of all thirteen 255-foot Owasco class cutters. You can buy a poster of this painting at Ron Marlett's Store