Fruits and Nuts by Ron Marlett.

Fruits and Nuts  16" x 20"   June 19, 2008
 One of two small paintings Ron Marlett created for his niece's Victorian decorated living room. Ron used furniture, fabrics, and accessories from their home to design the compositions in both paintings. In Fruits and Nuts, Ron experimented with several arrangements before settling on the final composition. The fruits that were selected were ones chosen for their ability to create a complementry color balance with the red fabric and brown nuts. The fabric's warm colored patterns move in and out of the dark shadows of its folds, and a warm glow from the fruits, nuts, and table indicate that the scene is being lit by one table lamp at night. The plump grapes and opened nuts on a small end teble gives the viewer the nostalgic experience of indulging in late night snacking while reading a book or watching television. You can buy a poster of this painting at
Ron Marlett's Store