Ron Marlett likes using different types of insects in his still life
paintings as a way of illustrating the symbiotic relationship the
insects have with the flowering plants. The artist's typical use of
insects in his work is as spots of color adding interest to particular
areas of a composition. Still Life with Butterflies
is a departure from this technique. The piece is covered with
butterflies, so that the insects create a pattern across the pictorial
plane. All the objects that form the paintings structural integrity
were selected for their nuetral presence. The white and light colors in
the piece do not interfere with the brightly-colored butterflies that
populate the space. The blue field of color behind the wall drappery
is a cloudless sky; this gives the viewer the perception that the
scene is floating in a heavenly world - a surrealistic place where
butterflies transcend the usual metaphor and become something magical
and eternal. You can buy a poster of this painting at Ron Marlett's Store